I find one the the hardest things to do is to stop painting when things are really cooking and step back to really objectively think about how to finish a painting. I either plow ahead then evaluate when I am finished or I get very tentative and don't finish strong.
On this one I plowed ahead. After evaluating the final piece I think my error here was fussing with the background after I started painting. (an old habit ):O(
Take a look at these paintings by (Henri Fantin-Latour) The backgrounds are so simple yet perfectly compliment the paintings. Oh well, Back to the drawing board!
Boy do I ever have the same problem.
Except I wait to see it online before I make take a constructive look at it :(
I love that Henri Fantin-Latour site you linked to!
He's one of my favorites and I've looked very closely at the few originals I've chanced to see.
Like you, he begins with a warm ground and he lets the ground show throughout the painting, so the whole has an integral feeling.
I'm struggling more with backgrounds lately..nothing new.
What I forgot to add is the mysterious way his still lifes emerge out of the background..
It's never a separate element...
i like the composition too...
When something starts clicking its hard to stop and follow a set order, even when you know better - happens to all of us I think. Thanks for the link to those incredible painting by Fantin-Latour.
Thanks for the step by step on this, Peter. I love seeing how others paint.
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