Friday, August 01, 2008

Daily Painting Practice - Cake's in the Oven

A good daily painter must be ever on the look out for subject material and always be ready to act . After my baker/wife finished baking the other morning, I spotted this flour covered measuring cup full of egg shells on the kitchen counter. I waited until she left the room, then I grabbed it. I quickly hid it down in the studio so she wouldn't clean it and throw out the egg shells before I had a chance to paint them.
Art schools should teach how to sneak props into the studio. It is a valuable skill that was nearly lost until the daily painting movement came along to reclaim this ancient practice. I have heard that some classical art ateliers still teach this method, but it is a long 3 year process that most young artists don't have patience for. Where is the discipline these days?
click on the image to enlarge the painting

Cake's in the Oven
original by Peter Yesis
oil on canvas board
I think this maybe the first egg shell painting I have ever done. As a daily painter I think it is required to paint certain subjects...My daily painting resume is short on runny eggs, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and pastries. I guess I should get to work on some of those.


Amy Mann said...

Just beautiful!

Ed Terpening said...

First egg painting? I bet you do more. Any excuse to paint white. I love it. White is so much fun.

m collier said...

Great subject matter !!

Cara said...

Very charming - I love this one.