I love articles entitled
Day in the LIfe of... Here is my version.
I am standing in the back of my 1990 Toyota pickup truck painting this on the roof of the cab.

This is Benson Park. A nice little pond and park here in Omaha. We actually voted yesterday here in a building at the park. I liked this tree and came back to do a quick study.

I did a quick underpainting in cadmium orange to warm up the panel.

Then it was back to my other park. I think they call it Bemis Hill Park. This is my way of dealing with my fear of painting outside.
Do it large! (actually, it was my art therapist/wife who suggested my get out and paint therapy.) That is a 30 X 40" color study! I must be crazy.

I had two problems painting like this. One, I can only cover a small portion of the canvas before the light completely changed. Two, a large neighborhood dog paid a visit to my painting space and left a dangerous pile just behnd me. How careful are you when you back up to check your painting?

Now it is getting late at night. What to do, what to do? Have you ever tried this set up for painting a self portrait?

"That hairline can't be that high! Better check again"

"Make sure you capture that goofy smile"

click on the picture to enlarge the image
Happiness is Being an Artist8"x10"
oil on masonite
And so the day ends. It's time for all good little daily painters to go to bed and dream of Ebay sales.
Hey Peter...GREAT stuff!!
I agree with your wife...you need to get out more...these are all wonderful!
Very nice!good trick the canvas taped on the mirror like that, i'd never seen that before
Peter... it's so cool to drop in daily and have a glimpse of your painting adventures. You just have to hear from us again how much we appreciate what you share. Give your wife a big kiss for being such a wonderful support. From your comments, she sounds wonderful. "The Oregon Couple"
the skin tones are great, but it is the fact that you seem to have gotten a really good likeness and expression that I like so much
Thanks for sharing your day with us. I enjoy seeing your working process and as always get new pointers, for example taping the panel to the mirror. Such a simple idea but brilliant! I'm glad you're going out there to paint. I'm afraid of painting out doors...well I don't like it since I manage to get dirt and other things on my paint. I also don't like people looking over my shoulders. Can't wait to see what else you show us. Take care.
night night, sweet dreams.
Just found your web site and love the work. Really nice way with it...
Peter - I love looking at people's set-ups and always try to remember to take a photo of mine - the braincells sometimes die before I remember though! ;)
That's a very neat idea about taping the board to the mirror! I've never seen that before........
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