It is amazing how using confidence as a tool can help you with a painting. I really enjoyed painting this one. I threw all caution to the wind and jumped right in. No preliminary sketch with charcoal, not a lot of preparation just sit down and paint.
Sometimes the best thing we can do is go at a painting as if we know what we are doing and don't question the process we choose to use. Just paint and critique later. This took approximately 2 hours with a few get up and walk away breaks.
That looks great. I love the looseness in your brushwork and leaving most everything but your face unfinished. You make me want to try one.
Very nice, Peter.
Lovely and inspiring, thank you.
Great painting Peter.
Just amazing not only is the painting good, but the sense of your personality is very well captured
WOW I like seeing you emerge from that green, especially over my hot chocolate and croissant!
love the flesh tones, and the relaxed expression
This is great Peter! All the daily painters should take a whack at self portraits, just for the fun of it.
This is So WONDERFUL. You're going to start a trend, but the watermark is set high now. Great painting.
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