Wednesday, December 13, 2006

daily painting practice 107 - hummel figures

You can see the dark gray background underpainting I started on. I had painted several boards last week with different background colors in preparation for the studies this week. Gray underpainting makes the colors really jump off the surface.
I really enjoy painting on the masonite, especially with the dry underpainting. I find I can control the color and grays better than when I paint on the white surfaces.
click on the picture to enlarge the image

Girl Talk
oil on masonite
My mother is the one who came up with the idea of painting these figurines. They sit on her shelf along with other knick knacks just like you see them here. They seem to be having a great conversation. For some reason this painting has an oriental flavor to it. I can't figure out why though. Maybe it's the round dish in the background, it reminds me of the circular gates or doorways I have seen in oriental art.


Anonymous said...

A real charmer Peter!

m collier said...

This is just such a nice little painting --- it's charming -- the muted colors, the softness of the figures --

J Matt Miller said...

Love this one Peter!