It was late in the day and the light was fading fast in the kitchen. I needed to try a practice painting as a fast sketch. I did this in 1 hour. I have been reading Craig Nelson's book (60 Minutes to Better Painting). I highly recommend it to every daily painter and those who want to learn how to improve in quick steps. Craig Nelson shows a very practical approach to a quick painting process. I have taken this book out of the library so many times I can see my fingerprints. I even recognize stains from spagetti sauce I splattered from lunch one day. Maybe I should get a book on how to eat neatly in 60 minutes.
Peter, Ive enjoyed watching this painting happen. It's kind of nice too so see someone using this old fashioned type coffee pot. Brings back memories. good job!
Both the sketch and the finish are gorgeous! I love the looseness of these Peter.
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