Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Daily Painting Practice- Playing with Toys

I had a remarkable day yesterday. Renee Johnson, who owns the (SO-OH Fine Art) gallery in Lincoln, Nebraska, came by with Brian Reetz, Editor in Chief of( Life Style Lincoln Magazine). They are going to do an article on my work coming out later this spring. Is that exciting or what? That's not all, Renee would like me to do a One-Man-Show at the gallery in September. Now I am walking air!
I started this one with a charcoal drawing and then brushed the paint right on top.
click on the picture to enlarge the image

Mental Vacation
oil on masonite

This was just all out fun, I spent an hour or two just pushing paint around. Sometimes I get so mentally driven (no pun intended) I forget about the most important ingredient ...that there is joy in painting. The really cool part about being an artist is that this joy can be delivered to others when they view the work. Painting ends up being more about giving it right than getting it right. So enjoy the ride!


Ed Terpening said...

how did they find you? Any advice you can give on getting a magazine's attention?

belindadelpesco.com said...

HUGE Congratulations, Peter! I'm so excited for you! Be sure to keep us posted when the article comes out!

Peter Yesis said...

Thanks a million Belinda. I'll be sure to let you know.

Ed- The So-Oh Gallery owner thought up the idea and made the contact. One way to get a magazine's attention is to make an appointment and meet with the advertising person or editor. Pitch your idea and make sure to show them how it relates to their audience.(local artist/ local scenes, history etc.) Most of these small town and city magazines always need articles on the arts. You just need to call and market yourself.