Day 1 of my year of plein air painting begins. Feeling a little uncomfortable going out into the neighborhood the first day I thought I would start out in my own backyard. The garden shed looked like it had possibilities. The sun was behaving itself staying behind the clouds until....

the painting gods must have noticed me. The clouds disappeared and brilliant sunlight flooded the painting. Time to adjust...Better yet time for lunch.

This is how I ended the outdoor painting.

click on the image to enlarge the picture
Blue Garden Shed8"x10"
oil on canvas board
I brought the outdoor sketch into the studio and cleaned it up a bit.
Not bad for a first go. Maybe tomorrow I'll venture to the front yard.
I have to admire people who can paint out of doors and make you feel like you are visiting their town or area. Several of my favorite artists are in Europe. They make it look so easy.
Check out anything painted by
(Rene Westervroot) in Holland.Then go to Wales and see
(Rob Ijbema)Then to Brittany and
(Sarah Wimperis)
I think this is wonderful - if this is any indication the next year will be great.
Lovely lovely lovely!!!
A great start Peter, I already am anxious what it would be after one year.
Thanks for pointing my blog out.
just love that little shed,so friendly!
nice delicate light.
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