Saturday, December 13, 2008

daily painting practice - more progress on still life painting

You know, I didn't realize just how long it had been since my last post until I tried to log into Blogger and I forgot my password. I had to think for a bit.... could be a sign of age too!

Here is where I left off on the still life. I am working on this for a competition and it needs to be finished by January. Since the last post I have made a little progress. (not enough). I missed working all this week because of a grand kid inspired cold. He shares everything with Grandpa.
Here's a little diversion. I spotted this guy sitting on our fence. He scared all the birds away from the feeder. I took this photo through the blinds of the kitchen window.
I've made some progress on the dried wheat stalks and worked more on the apples and the light on the vase.
Now I'm starting on the detail of the red cloth. The folds are a challenge but a lot of fun.
Detail of Apples
click on photo to enlarge detail
They will get one last go over after I do the detail in the table cloth. One trick of getting a good shadow on your apples is to mix in or glaze over with the background color. It also helps tie your painting together.
Detail Cloth and Bread
click on photo to enlarge detail
The cloth is nearly finished and the bread is at the finished under painting stage.

I have a new favorite artist this week, after watching the PBS documentary on Winslow Homer. Fascinating artist. I was all inspired after discovering he changed his style and did his best work after turning 50....... Never give up!


Connie said...

I love that painting. What competition are you entering?

Sheila Vaughan said...

It's looking absolutely wonderful Peter. Best of luck with the competition!

Ed Terpening said...

This is coming along beautifully.

Anonymous said...


Great Post. Paintings are amazing. Nice collection. I love your creations. Good information, it was worth reading. Keep up the good work on your posts, I will keep checking back for more posts like this one.

Nancy. said...

Great paintings and photo (which has the look of the midwest).

Happy New Year.