Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Daily Painting Practice - 30 Self Portraits in 30 Days - Day 6

Day 6 and I still have some different ideas to try. My creative well isn't dry yet. I have taken an old piece of mat board and coated it with Liquin. I figured it might help seal the cardboard. It did make the gray darker but I am not sure it sealed much of anything. Don't ask me why I thought this experiment would be worth trying. After the Liquin was dry I outlined my drawing with Liquin and paint.
I am not using any turps or medium from this point on. In fact, in the beginning I try to keep the brush as dry as possible with as little paint on it as possible and scrub on the dry paint.
As the painting progresses keep applying thicker paint but only using thicker wet paint in the center. Save the best creamy paint for the face.
click on the painting to enlarge the image

Ready for Work
Self Portrait Day 6

oil on mat board

This is how I start my day, in my socks with a cup of tea and a few brushes ready to try something new.

1 comment:

RH Carpenter said...

I really like this one. It seems to speak of the artist whose mind has already gone where his body has not...yet. Intensity in the eyes is very interesting and pulls you in. Nice work!