Thursday, May 07, 2009

Daily Painting Practice - 30 Self Portraits in 30 Days - Day 7

click on the painting to enlarge the image

Early Riser
Self Portrait - Day 7
oil on canvas board

Yesterday's post showed how I usually dress to start work. But sometimes I don't get much farther than... in my bathrobe and pajamas.


Anonymous said...

I am impressed with your paintings!
I am overwhelmed by your discipline!!
Great stuff!
Leon Moss

Ed Terpening said...

nice work. I love following this project!

Marilyn M. King said...

I'm loving this project, Peter. "Early Riser" is my favorite so far - I can so relate!

Peter Yesis said...

Thanks Leon- Don't be too impressed with the discipline thing. One reason I am doing this is to improve my discipline.

Thanks Ed- I hope you'll keep watching.I'll try to keep it interesting, the painting methods I mean, nothing I can do about the model.

Hey Marilyn- Thank you for the kind words. It's always dangerous painting in my bathrobe. I am a very sloppy painter.