Monday, May 11, 2009

Daily Painting Practice - 30 Self Portraits in 30 days - Day 11

It is good to know that I am not the only artist who would do a self portrait that doesn't show the artist on his/her best day.( Edvard Munch) did a few self portraits too. This one is titled, "After Influenza." What a great subject for a painting!
Of course his most famous painting is " The Scream" not a self portrait but based on a personal experience.
click on the painting to enlarge the image

The Other Scream
Self Portrait - Day11
oil on canvas board

Here's my version. It comes from my personal experience of trying to think of more self portrait compositions.
I used the palette knife for this one. It helped to release a lot of emotion.... now I need a cup of tea.


Chris Bolmeier said...

Peter, I am enjoying your self portraits immensely. My two favorites are the one of you in the hallway with brushes in your hand and the other is the drawing of your head. The way you use color on "The Other Scream" Captures the Edward Munch style. I'm hoping to get a couple lessons this summer outside.

RH Carpenter said...

Wonderful portraits, wonderful challenge for yourself (I have to catch up by going back to see the previous days' work, now - what fun). Thanks for sharing some self-portraits of "famous" artists, too - had never seen this one and the title makes me laugh, as does your version of the scream.

Shirl said...

LOL Fantastic! I love this certainly gave me a good giggle. ;o>

Peter Yesis said...

Hello Chris- I am glad you are enjoying this little on going exhibition. I will be doing a plein air pastel class for the Joselyn at the Lauritzen Gardens in August. Sign up at the Joslyn art Museum's website.

Thanks Shirl - nothing better thana good giggle to start the day!