Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Maine plein air painting Belfast

Biting off more than I could chew.

Yesterday I must have had  a good breakfast because I started the day with big plans.

 The morning was cool, breezy and very overcast in Belfast, Maine. I decided to try painting from the footbridge that crosses the Passagassawakeag River ( great name) at the inlet to Belfast Bay, because the clouds were forecast to stick around all day.
I started on a 16"x20" canvas.  Of course I didn't get very far before the clouds disappeared and the bright sun came out and moved overhead.
 So I moved on to  try a spot by the harbor walk. Again I was biting off more than I could chew with a 16"x20" canvas.

This time I got just far enough before the clouds were back. I now know where they went... to fill up with water because  they burst open and I got soaked.

So, two incomplete paintings that I am pleased with as a start but wished I had progressed farther.
 At home I tried one more time. That morning, before I left for a day of plein air painting I had a visit from a hawk (I think a Red shouldered hawk) looking for a red squirrel breakfast of his own.

When I got back from painting I started a larger bird painting of him (18x24). The drawing isn't correct yet, I only got as far as laying out the composition.
One long day of painting.  Isn't it grand!!!


Amanda Martinez said...

I love the 1st one of Belfast Bay. I love the texture you have in the sky and reflected in the water, but bigger.

Barbara P said...

Wow, a seascape, street scene, and wildlife painting all started in the same day. That WAS ambitious. Bravo!