Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Peter's problems painting purple pansies

Here is my set up from the side, a little different approach this time I am further back then usual. Note the panel in the window. I use it to cut the sun's glare at eye level. I started off making a big blunder in my set up . Can you spot it? Read on....
I solved one problem though. I solved the problem of wilting flowers by purchasing a potted plant.
I also did something else here I don't usually do. I sprayed the charcoal drawing with fixative. I hate the fumes in the studio, but it does save the drawing. For those who follow this blog, here is yet another method I found to begin. This time a tonal underpainting using only one or two colors. Look back through my blog, I should have a contest and award a painting to the person who can tell me how many different methods I have used in my practice paintings. Or maybe I should write a book for beginner painters.... 5 million ways to begin a painting, and some of them are wrong.
Here is the blunder. Always set yourself up to have the canvas and the object you are painting in the same light. I did not do that.
This is a great shot that shows how you can get into trouble. When painting with the canvas in shadow or under different lighting, there is no way to properly capture values, and the colors with red in them can't be properly compared. Of course the painting gods did not help, the sky changed to a heavy overcast.
Purple Pansy 5"x7" oil on canvas panel
Peter's poetic point : Properly picked purple pansies possibly posess practical properties perfectly placed for pleasant Pleine-air painting practice .......when purchased potted.

Hey world, start the week with a smile!

Self Critique Time:
As I mentioned above, painting with the canvas in shadow is not a great way to begin. I also am not happy with the pansy looking directly at the viewer. I think turning it to a 3/4 angle would have been better. The photo shows the background being a bit cooler than the painting.
The color purple...... it might be a good movie, book and play...... but I find it impossible to paint.


belindadelpesco.com said...

Your perspective on the pansy is perfectly pleasing. I'm not at all perplexed by the pace or proximity of the petals in this painting.... and your persistant palladian passages are a pleasure.

m collier said...

Painting a purchased purple pansy proved to be a practical and prudent plan !!!!!

Nice job !!!

You realize you have started something here --

Anthony said...

Seeing as I'm alliteratively illiterate, I'll have to resort to posting in plain prose (oops!):

I love your work. The reflected light on the shadow side of that plastic vase is just perfect. I've been checking in for the last couple weeks and have really enjoyed seeing your work and reading your writing. To me, the quiet mood of your subjects and light, and the discipline in your schedule and your eye, and the loose yet accurate way you paint is all very inspirational. And thanks for your post yesterday - very, very good stuff on many levels.

Peter Yesis said...

Peter ponders. Painters publicly posing as poets and penning polite prose probably procrastinate practicing painting,preferring to peruse published postings to pushing paint.

J Matt Miller said...

Excellent end result! Sometimes the battled ones turn out the best. Regarding the popular letter of the alphabet--I think you should write a kids book!

Anonymous said...

Too much Peter !

Anonymous said...

Picture perfect purple pansies are perfectly presented

Anonymous said...

Peter picked a purple pansey and painted it perfectly but was the purple pansey that peter purchased as perfect as the purple pansey that peter painted or is it prudent to preview pots of panseys and paintings of panseys in one perfect place like this post...indigo, lavender, mauve and now I am puce.
good stuff
the red shoes

Lee said...

I'm glad I stumbled across your blog, Peter. Love your work.

I opened my big mouth over the weekend and told a friend I would do a painting for her...she loves all shades of purple...so I'm getting my head together in readiness to put brush to canvas.