Tuesday, February 27, 2007

daily painting practice - Lilacs and apple blossoms

sWe got 6 inches of snow this weekend. So after shoveling the driveway and sidewalks what do you do? My wife and I, of course, got out the seed catalog to order seeds for our garden and then I painted something from last spring.
I started on a pre-toned masonite panel with Burnt Sienna and white.
Lilacs are interesting flowers to paint. They hold their flowers in tight little balls then open and stay clustered together.
click on picture to enlarge the image

Lilacs and Apple Blossoms
oil on masonite
This should get you ready for spring! We have a great big old lilac bush in the backyard so I should be doing these for years. The apple blossoms were clipped off a tree at the park. Don't tell.

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