White Peonies
original by Peter Yesis
oil on canvas board
The white peonies are the last to pop open in my garden. But I think they are worth waiting for. They have such class. Don't you think? I was tempted to paint the black ants that swarm all over these plants... but that would be like painting a portrait with a pimple on the person's nose. Couldn't do it.
can I use the peonies envy joke on more than one blog? You captured their quintessential shape so easily. I better keep practicing while my peonies are still blooming. I really enjoy your work, Peter!
Mr. Yesis,
I like your painting, they seem so alive.I especially like your clouds, I haven't gotten the hang of painting clouds yet, but maybe soon.I started painting in June.
Have a great evening and God bless!
Eileen Garbett
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