You gotta love that hair!
Tag I'm it.
If you are like me, you read a lot of other artist's blogs. So no doubt you have probably seen posts about Tagging before. I have been tagged before and blew it off as nothing but an Internet chain letter. But I have recently changed my thinking. Going back through the links in Tagged posts can bring some surprises.
One of the most enjoyable things for me is discovering new artist's that blog. I like being surprised, finding a new good blog with work that I admire is a thrill, especially when I discover I have something in common with the artist. Take (Stacey Peterson) an artist I have admired since reading her first posts. We have several things in common: we both are trying hard to figure out this "painting full time thing" after we both crossed over (nice way to say we quit) managing projects in the engineering field into art. Stacey has a new member of her family and I babysit a new grandchild. This post on tagging is Stacy's fault you see, because she has recently tagged me after being tagged by (Mike Bailey). Without Mike having tagged Stacey I would not have found a wonderful new artist (Sandra Flood). Following the Tags backwards can be interesting. I have discovered Mike used to live in Flemington New Jersey, small world - so did I. And Sandra lives in Frenchtown, N.J. about a block away from where I did (I lived there 20 years ago.)
If you have been tagged you are asked to please follow these rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
So, 5 random things about me.
1. I once had a life reading done (30 years ago). The kind that tell you about your past lives and what you should be doing in this one. It never mentioned art for this life.... was that a sign or a critique? But it did mention something about writing and sharing a message. I hope this blog counts.
2. The first picture I can remember drawing was in first grade. It was a landscape with a fox jumping over a log with a bush and a tree. I still remember the composition. I was the only one in the class that didn't draw lollipop trees. Mine had branches leaves and roots at the base and the sky was two tones. I still draw the same tree when I sketch a tree from memory. Either I never got better or I was pretty good at trees.
3. My dream is to have an art retreat in Nova Scotia. Where artists can come and rent a room with a studio by the day or week. I even have the name picked out. Peaceful Palette. Would you come?
4. I am a compulsive brush buyer. I buy a brush every time I go to the art store. But I never use more than 3 or 4 brushes when I paint. ( and like Stacey, I don't wash them like I should... Once a week maybe)
5. I have never been west of Omaha. ( Except for a business trip to Las Vegas for 2 days which doesn't count).
Here are my five chosen taggees.
(Sheila Vaughn) Sheila has a wonderful feel to her work. An artist in England who paints with a fine style. She varies her subjects which I like in a daily painter.
(Darren Maurer) I know Darren will hate the idea of being Tagged.. that's why I am doing it. Darren is the guy who started me in this daily painting and blogging thing so I owe him.
(Tracy Helgeson) I know Tray has been tagged before but she is feeling a little under the weather and could use some emails wishing her to get better soon. I thought this is might be a good way to cheer her up. She is one of my favorites to read.
(Sarah Trefny) Sarah is the person who gave me the instructions on installing the small thumbnail gallery on my blog. Her work is beautiful. I am jealous of her white pitcher painting. Actually any of her paintings.
(Anthony Zierhut) My favorite sketch artist in any blog. Anthony's blog is so worth visiting. He wins my Norman Rockwell Award for the way he captures his family in the stuff we all do and always wish we would have sketched .
Peter, a super painting of Christopher. I think you were spot on with the translucency of his skin. That is so hard to do with children.
I don't know whether to thank you or report you to the CIA for tagging me but I have now involved 5 other people. Thank you for saying nice things about me anyway.
That is adorable.
Peter! This could not be any cuter!!!!
Well done, my friend!
Kay Crain
Christopher is adorable! He looks likse just a happy and playful baby. Great job, Peter!
Peter . . .Thanks for the mention /link today. Didn't realize we BOTH lived in Flemington! As for this painting, you are to be congratulated! You really did capture him. My bet is the parents have already laid claim to the painting. right? ;-)
I am off to visit your tags.
Hi Peter, I've been enjoying your blog for a while now, and really appreciate the WIP's that you show. Today's is a charmer.
Interesting to learn that you lived in Flemington & Frenchtown. I live on the Sourland Mtn, about 8 miles from Flemington and I spend a lot of time in the river towns of Lambertville, Stockton and Frenchtown. I don't mean this as a shameless plug for myself (honest!) but you might enjoy some of the local scenery that I post on my own website and blog.
Yes! I would definitely come to your art retreat in Nova Scotia. Great idea. Love your work and it is nice that you show them in progress. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks everyone, I can't think of a painting i have had more fun doing.
hi peter, i stumbled across your blog and find it to be quite wonderful, i enjoy reading other artist's WIP. your paintings are quite beautiful. i admire your painting style and your ability to paint from life. i've enjoyed it so much i've tagged you in my own blog.
Oh - I just love that painting! Now you've made me feel guilty that I have yet to paint my own daughter...
How have you never been West of Omaha?? You need to plan a painting trip to Colorado, stat!
Positively delightful painting!
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