Blue Plate Special
original by Peter Yesis
oil on canvas board
I thought I would experiment doing a painting all in one primary color... Or maybe I should say primarily one color.... No, how about I wanted to do a painting in blue? I kept this very loose though I must admit when I first saw the plate I really liked the design. However, painting the plate design in detail would have taken more hours than this daily painting was allotted . Besides you don't need detail when you've got the blues?
I like the blue - sometimes very little color can say a lot!
I'm glad to see you're feeling better Peter =)
Cool! Can I see this as self portrait (image in the vase)?. Just kidding. I like the cropping and plenty enough detail in the plate. Very nice painting!
magnifique bleu, belles courbes et rondeurs!
this is a beautiful piece. Just the right amount of detail on the plate pattern. I like the reflections and shadows.
Blue ceramic of any type seems to have a broad appeal. This is a nice work. I remember when restaurants had blue plate specials for $0.50.
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