Thursday, October 23, 2014

Daily painting in Maine - small works, flowers

I have been very remiss and lazy about posting on my blog.  I'm thinking the blog needs a face lift or a new purpose. I am going to  take a look at that over the next few weeks. Facebook seems to be my go to place lately for quick and easy photos of my latest work, but the blog  is a place to explain more.   I definitely need to do a better job and more with this blog .

 While I am thinking ( procrastinating really) and arguing with myself over what to do about  the blog, here are a few of the small works  I have been working on lately.
 Just Hanging Around
oil on canvasboard

Left Behind
oil on canvasboard

I am going to try  and enter these into  a small works show. Flowers always do well in those type of shows. I think the small format  makes the work more intimate. A strong  composition is always critical, perhaps even more so in small works. 

1 comment:

Helen said...

Lovely sunflower! Perfect image on a dreary, wintry day! :)