I found a great way to display daily paintings at home on the cheap. I got the idea from a great design blog called
Decor8 . It works well for these small paintings. How easy was that? So, for those artists going to fairs or exhibiting, here's one way to save some money.

A wonderful lady and artist
Vivianne St. Clair purchased my painting of marigolds. There is no greater honor for an artist than to have his or her work displayed and appreciated in a home. I'd take someone loving a piece and hanging it in their home to hanging in a cold museum basement anyday. Especially when done so tastefully as this.
I just came upon your blog. I think it is wonderful that you are documenting your painting process. I am ready to get back to painting again, and I think your blog will really help push me along. Thank you. :)
Love the apple painting!
Hi Peter, dosnt that painting look fantastic in the frame, I agree it is great when something you have made is cherished, its the best feeling.
I love this site! Great paintings and great info Thanks Peter
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