Monday, September 18, 2006

painting yellow pansies

One of my all time favorite artists and someone I want to paint like when I grow up is( Henri Fantin-LaTour). His paintings sing to me like a choir. Study his backgrounds if you want to know how simple you can leave the background in a great painting. For those of you who are keeping score, here is another way I found to begin;
Completely go against every art magazine, art book and instruction you have ever read. Paint the lights first. The painting god's won't strike you dead.(did I hear thunder?) The art police won't come after you (see Friday's blog for when that happens).You can paint anyway you like.
The trick is to like anyway you paint.

I like it but ...there is something I don't like about the background. I know, I know, one of the easiest ways to mess up a good painting is to go back in and change the background. That's another of those always remember rules I always forget, but this really, really bugs me. Oh well, Fantin-LaTour isn't watching....I'll change it, no guts, no glory.

Yellow Pansies
oil on masonite panel

I thought I would try yellow pansies this time. They are such a cheerful flower. Even when they are in a plastic pack. Can you imagine someone not smiling at yellow pansies?
This painting should be titled
pure joy in paint. These are the kind of painting practice pieces that make you want to pick up the brushes and do another.

Self critique time:
Ah, forget the critique. I'm just going to sit down and enjoy looking at it for a long while. Maybe with a cup of tea.

6 comments: said...

Bravo, Peter. They are really lovely. You are *so* good. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to find your blog ... interesting posts and lovely paintings.

"van Vliet" Art Blog said...

Peter, I am catching up with your postings. Great stuff and very interesting. I would also be interested in trading. So we will see what Sunday brings. I have good painting days and days where it is too hard to paint. Today was a yard day. Painted for just twenty minutes.

J Matt Miller said...

Really like the looseness in this one, Peter. To answer your question, I use north light about 90% of the time.

Anonymous said...

Right you are, Peter. Yellow pansies are quite pleasing. I tip my teacup to you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Peter

you are on my fav sellers list ebay and my blog links

can i be your friend?

please add me to your links

I like your comments about how you explore painting. I really enjoy your blog.