Wednesday, July 23, 2014

daily painting in Maine - Schoodic waves

I often play a lot of music while I paint in the studio.  For seascapes I paint to Vienna waltzes,  Cape Breton fiddle or  Celtic fiddle. I'm not sure why but they remind me of the sea.

Here's the development so far of my latest seascape. (16x20)

First,  rough in the forms.

Next, develop the darks or shadows.

Now add color. I'm paying more attention to values and  color temperature at this point. Lots of color notes get  dotted in to see how they will work.

Not much  progress here. This might be where the fiddle music comes in... I'm starting to fiddle with  the wave too much. Time to step back and organize my approach for the next phase.


Barbara P said...

Quite nice. Is this a painting from memory?

Amanda Martinez said...

This is awesome! I appreciate how you simply show the 3 steps of your painting and keep it simple. You are an inspiration to me! Thanks.